Planning ahead will help you address winter driving headaches, the worst of which is the low temperatures.
Fuel line freeze is a winter nightmare; ways to avoid it are to (1) buy winter-formula fuel, (2) add fuel additive/ anti-gel – yes, even to the winter mix, (3) park so that wind does not flow directly into the radiator, (4) plug your engine heater into an electric outlet where possible, (5) let the truck idle – where state laws allow, (6) keep the tank as full as reason allows – to prevent moisture in the nearly-empty tank from crystalizing…
Anti-gel products are free – as the company will reimburse you. You need only submit the receipt marked with your load number and name, together with the rest of the paperwork of your delivery.
The heaters, and ether, and road service costs you will incur if your vehicle experiences fuel line freeze can be $300 – $900, an expense that can be avoided if you plan ahead; read the instructions on the bottle; and use good judgment.